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9Ā Keys for Moving Through Grief and Loss

Find Meaning, Grow through Grief, Feel Alive Again

Enroll Now for $197

You Can Grow Through Grief and Loss

Grief and loss can leave you feeling stuck, confused, lost and alone; unsure of how to move on. 

But grief is part of the journey, and learning how to move through the grief process can bring purpose and passion, joy and connection and meaning  back into your life. 

It is possible to grow through grief, not just go through it.

This course is for you if:

You feel stuck in grief or unsure how to handle a loss whether you experienced a loss recently or years ago.

You don't know what “normal” grief looks like.

You are supporting someone who is going through grief and loss.

You want to understand how to not just “get over” grief, but learn how to still live and thrive and find meaning after experiencing a loss.

Start Learning Today

The process:

  1. Watch the video lessons. Each lesson is between 3-15 minutes, and full of research-backed content in an easy to apply format. This course includes what would be covered in 8 therapy sessions (a value of $1320!). 
  2. Take notes in the provided, downloadable workbook
  3. Apply the action items for each of the Nine Keys. 
  4. Start moving through grief and loss and finding meaning and life again. 

What's included:

  • An Introduction to Grief and Loss mini-course
  • 9 Keys to Grief and Loss course
  • 12 Types of Loss mini-course
  • Q and A covering practical answers to student questions
  • Downloadable workbook
  • Start moving through grief and loss and finding meaning and life again
  • 30 Day no questions asked money back guarantee
I'm Ready to Start Today

Meet Your Instructor

Sarah Engler, LCSW

Hi! I’m Sarah. I have been working in mental health for almost 25 years. Both personally and professionally I’ve seen the impact of loss. Every single one of us deals with loss and yet we kind of stink at supporting ourselves and others in the experience. It is not a fun topic to talk about. We don't want to be a burden or make other people uncomfortable — not to mention that it really shouldn't be that big of a deal (or at least that’s how we feel). But there can be major consequences when we don't deal with loss. So what are we supposed to do? This is a major part of my work — supporting and educating those who are dealing with loss. With that goal in mind I have created two courses. The first course is all about the basics: The definitions of grief, loss, and mourning; different types of loss experiences; what can happen when we don’t deal with our loss experiences; and ways to support others. The second course dives deeper and explores the keys that are necessary for moving through loss in a healthy way, without suffering. These courses will make a difference in your life and in the lives of those you love.

Learn how to start moving through grief and find meaning, growth and life after loss.

Get The Course for $197

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