Overcoming Perfectionism and People Pleasing
Shattering the Porcelain and Becoming the Real You
Enroll Now for $197
You look tired.
I mean, not on the outside — on the outside you look like you’ve got it all together. People who meet you see a high achiever, an immaculate appearance, someone who’s never confrontational. But despite trying to do everything right, deep down you feel hollow and exhausted.
Start Learning Now!You feel like you’re never good enough.
Despite trying so hard, you’re your own worst critic. Maybe you replay every situation in your head over and over, or maybe your relationships feel shallow or distant.
If any of this sounds like you, you may be a perfectionist or a people pleaser.
Perfectionists and people pleasers spend enormous amounts of time and energy working to be the best, the brightest, and the nicest. They twist themselves in knots trying to be what they think they should be in order to finally feel like they’re enough — in their own eyes and in the eyes of others.
But at what cost?
In this course, Dr. Carly LeBaron explores what perfectionism and people-pleasing are, how they negatively impact your life, and how to break free from those old habits to embrace who you truly are.
Are you ready to let go of the mask, that fragile shell that you carry around, and replace it with real relationships and self-love so that you can finally feel a sense of peace?
Are you ready to become authentic and happy?
In this course you’ll learn why trying so hard to get rid of your flaws keeps backfiring. And you'll learn what to do instead. So give it a try. This course is backed by a 30-day full refund if you're not 100% satisfied.

What students are saying about the course:
"I have been a people pleaser for as long as I can remember, and this...actually taught me some things I can do to stop that behavior and become more real. I would recommend it to anyone who has the tendency to be either a people pleaser or a perfectionist, or to anyone who wants to understand why some of us behave the way we do. "
L. Reeder
"I loved this course! It really helped me look inside and see how my perfectionist/people-pleasing tendencies were preventing me from living a full-authentic-happy life, and were big contributors to my anxiety and depression and even the struggles in my marriage. It will be a life long process, I'm sure, to not fall back into familiar behaviors. But the simple tactics and methods Dr. LeBaron offers (along with sections to write/practice inside the book itself) have been easy to remember in the moments I need them. I'm getting much better at being assertive and setting boundaries now that I understand the need for them and I'm already seeing the benefits in how I feel and in my relationships. I highly recommend!"

How Perfectionism and People Pleasing Impact You
How perfectionism and people-pleasing negatively impact your mental, emotional, and relational health.

Becoming Real
Where your perfectionism and people-pleasing originated and how to use that to heal.

Take the Quiz!
What type of perfectionist or people pleaser you are and how that affects your life experiences.
Meet Your Instructor
Dr. Carly LeBaron, PhD LMFT
​I've been working with my amazing clients for over eleven years. I received my Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Utah State University (Go Aggies!), and my Master's and Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy at BYU. I've been privileged to work in a community clinic, a women's center, and several group private practices before opening New Beginnings. I also published my first book in 2017, "Shattering the Porcelain: Overcoming Perfectionism and People-Pleasing and Becoming the Real You." I'm completely biased, but I have the best job in the world, and it's an honor to meet and work with my clients.
I am married to my best friend, and we have three incredible sons and a dog named Bandit. I love to write, cook, bake, read, go hiking and camping, landscape, and be outside. I'm a total foodie and yoga enthusiast! Right now, I'm trying to learn to play the piano and working hard every day to be my authentic self. Come grow with me!